The Office of Distance Learning and the Office of Accessibility Resources have been working on an efficient process for captioning videos. Captioning video is a step towards compliance with SUNY’s Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) Accessibility initiative. And it will also make our course materials that much easier to use for all students! The first version of this captioning process is complete and ready for you to use.


During the SPRING 2021 semester, we shall be doing a trial run of the captioning process. Any faculty or staff may submit videos for captioning through this process, but we will give priority to the following requests:

  • Courses where a student currently needs captions as an accommodation.
  • Videos that will be posted to the College’s public website.

All other requests may be delayed while these first two priorities are fulfilled, but we still encourage you to submit any videos that you wish to have captioned.


  1. Have your video files ready on your computer. We recommend storing your video files in OneDrive and temporarily downloading them to your computer before loading the form. You do not need to use OneDrive to submit videos.
    • If you have videos on other websites that need captioning, have direct links to those videos ready.
    • If you have transcripts or scripts for your videos, you should also have those ready.
  2. Load the Captioning Request Form.
    • You will need to log into your Cayuga account to access the form. This allows us to record your name and email automatically for each submission.
    • This form is always available in Brightspace under the Faculty Resources tab.
  3. Fill out and submit the form. You can upload up to ten video files at a time, although, depending on the files’ size, you may find it more efficient to fill out the request multiple times. Any number of web links can be submitted at once.
  4. You will receive a confirmation that your submission was received.
  5. It can take up to a week for your submission to be processed. By or before the end of that period, you will receive a communication from the Office of Distance Learning. That communication will include the following:
    • Any issues with your request – this can include a delay due to lack of priority or technical issues, problems with the files, or additional information needed. We will assist you with any technical issues.
    • A link to captioned videos of your files and instructions for using the files. We are requesting that no videos be stored in Brightspace. Once they are captioned, we can provide an easy-to-use method to embed your videos directly into Brightspace using OneDrive storage.

While there are technical skills that you will need to learn to make this process as efficient as possible, we believe that this process will make captioning a reasonably painless process once you become comfortable with those tools. We will evaluate the process at the end of the Spring 2021 semester and make any needed revisions over Summer 2021.