
GIS Programming

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Taught by

Dr. Abu Z. Badruddin

Professor of GIS
Cayuga Community College
197 Franklin Street, Auburn, NY 13210

Live: (315) 294-8610
Fax: (315) 255-2117
Office: M274 Main Building


PYTHON Scripting for ArcGIS - Paul A. Zandbergen, ESRI Press (required)

Course Purpose

This course is designed to introduce students the basic capabilities of Python scripting in a GIS environment. Students will learn how to use ArcPy site-package to automate any geoprocessing task in ArcGIS.

Course Objectives

  • To introduce students to the basic structure and functionalities of programming in ArcGIS environment
  • To teach students how to work with ArcPy site package in ArcGIS
  • Be able to use Python scripting for any geoprocessing task.

Laboratory Exercise

Each lab assignment is due in the following week and late submission will not be accepted except in case of an emergency. Students are expected to behave professionally throughout the class and lab time. This includes, but not limited to, regular attendance, timely arrival, class participation, dealing appropriately with frustration and anger, avoiding un-necessary web surfing, instant messaging, chatting , etc. Positive work ethics and common curtesies to all are needed in order to maintain a healthy learning atmosphere in the classroom.


Component Weight
Exams & Project 50%
Lab exercises 50%

*** The above grading is subject to change at the instructor's discretion ***

Lecture Topics Outline

Week Topic
Week 1 Course Introduction and Demonstration
Introduction to Python
Week 2 Basic Python syntax using variables, lists, dictionaries, etc.
Week 3 Conditional statements
Week 4 Looping Exam1
Week 5 Looping (cont.)
Week 6 Introduction to ArcPy
Week 7 Accessing ArcGIS functionalities in ArcPy
Week 8 Using Describe
Week 9 Using List
Week 11 Using Geoprocessing in ArcPy
Week 12 Creating and Using Cursors
Week 13 Search Cursor
Week 14 Search Cursor (cont.)
Week 15 Update Cursor
Week 16 Review and FINAL EXAM